Plc 5 Slot Numbering

Micro/SLC-500/PLC 5 Addressing Formats

Plc 5 Slot Numbering Software

The general format of value names for data from the listed controllers matches the naming convention used by the programming software. The format is shown below. The parts of the name shown in in square brackets [] are optional.

Plc 5 rack slot numbering

The second number is the slot number of the 1756-DHRIO module of the DH+ network the PLC-5 processor is connected to. The third number is the channel of the 1756-DHRIO module that the PLC-5 processor is connected to. Use 2 for channel A and 3 for channel B. The final and fourth number is the DH+ node number. A-B 1771-A10 10-slot chassis A-B 1771-P power supply A-B PLC-5/xx processor A-B 1771-IBD discrete input module in slot 1 A-B 1771-OBD discrete output module in slot 2 This document is primarily for Rev 6 of the RSLogix5 software. A serial cable connection from the PC to the processor is also assumed.

General Value Name Format: X: [file] element [.field] [/bit]

In Allen-Bradley PLCs such as the SLC 500 and PLC-5 models, files 0, 1, and 2 are exclusively reserved for discrete outputs, discrete inputs, and status bits, respectively. Thus, the letter designators O, I, and S (file types) are redundant to the numbers 0, 1, and 2 (file numbers). LDF Load Formatted 5–60 LDR Load Real Number 5–64 LDX Load Indexed 5–62 LDLBL Load Label 5–145 LDSX Load Indexed from Constant 5–63 MDRMD Masked Drum Event Discrete 6–19 MDRMW Masked Drum Event Word 6–21 MLR Master Line Reset 5–185 MLS Master Line Set 5–185 MOV Move 5–144 MOVMC Move Memory Cartridge 5–145.

A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a piece of hardware that isolates inputs from outputs. Programs are written to look at the inputs solve logic and set the outputs to perform work. Today we are going to look at the basic fundamental way we program.

Plc 5 Slot Numbering Machines

X is the file type. The following table lists valid file types, the default file number for each type, and fields allowed:

Plc 5 Slot Numbering Tool

X File Type Default File Number Fields
O Output 0
I Input 1
S Status 2
B Binary 3
T Timer 4 .PRE, .ACC, .EN, .TT, .DN
C Counter 5 .PRE, .ACC, .CU, .CD, .DN, .OV, .UN, .UA
R Control 6 .LEN, .POS, .EN, .DN, .ER, .UL, .IN, .FD
N Integer 7
F Floating 8